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Refiling / Moving a Document

You can move a document from its current folder to another folder from the Document Profile.

Once the document is refiled to a new folder, the Document Number of this document will automatically be changed to follow the document numbering format of the new folder.

To refile a document, you need to have at least the “Normal Access” permission which include the Edit Properties icon .

  1.  Mouse over the Action icon followed by the View Details option of a document from any Document or Search Result tables in page.
  2. Click on Edit Properties icon  to start editing the properties in the Document Profile. 
  3. Click on the Lookup icon at the File Reference field.                                                       
  4. Select a new folder from the File Reference table and click on the OK button
  5. Click on the Save button to refile the document to the selected folder in Step 4.

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