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Navigation in KRIS

There are three main sections on the KRIS Interface:

  1. Top Navigation Pane i.e. Banner
  2. Left Navigation Pane i.e. Action Menu
  3. Workspace

Top Navigation Pane (i.e. Banner)

The list below shows the common functions that you will see across all KRIS modules:

  1. Hamburger icon – To toggle navigation bar between being collapsed behind or displayed on the screen.
  2. Notification icon – To alert you on important events that have occurred in KRIS.
  3. Dashboard icon – To navigate to your personalized page with shortcuts, quick access to recent/favorites and track your requests.
  4. Home icon – To navigate to the default page that you have configured.
  5. Work Tray icon –  To add documents into this tray for further actions for a batch of files, such as Copy as Links, Send as Attachments, Mark for Deletion or Download.
  6. Account icon – To customize your preferred Settings, access Help Guide and About KRIS, or to sign out of KRIS.
  7. Module Switcher icon – To toggle between different modules in KRIS, such as KRIS E-Submission, File Tracker, Record Manager.

In KRIS Record Manager, the banner provides an option to perform a Universal Search across all Folders and Documents in the repository. By clicking on this    icon in the Search box, the system will bring you to Advanced Search page where you can specify more criteria to narrow down the search result.

Left Navigation Pane (i.e. Action Menu)

In KRIS Record Manager, use the left navigation pane to get direct access to:

  • New button – Allows you to upload documents, register a paper document, create new subscriptions or make a new physical file reservation.
  • Setting icon   – Allows you to choose the display of Record Library.
  • Subject – Displays the Organization’s Folder Structure in a hierarchical view to facilitate browsing for records. It will only display the folders that you can access.
  • Recent – To view the last 30 folders and 50 documents that you accessed.
  • Favorites –  To access the folders and documents that you have tagged as your favorites i.e. commonly used records.
  • My Subscriptions – Managing your subscriptions and alerts that you have created to track the activities performed on certain documents.
  • My Requests – To track your new folder and document deletion requests.
  • My Task – To process the new folder and document deletion requests from users. Only available to users who are holding the Subject Officer role.
  • My Physical Files – To manage the physical files that you have checked or track your file reservations. Only available when KRIS File Tracker module is purchased.

In other KRIS modules, the left-side panel shows the Action Menu for users to get direct access sections within the KRIS modules.


The Workspace section shows the page for every function that you have clicked on in KRIS. After login to KRIS, the Dashboard page with your personalized layout, shortcuts and information, is displayed.

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