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Updating a Subject’s Properties

  1. Click on Module Switcher at the top bar and select KRIS Administrator module.
  2. Click on Manage Subject link under Manage Classification section.
  3. Expand the Subject tree view.
  4. Right click on a Subject and select Edit option.                                                                                         
  5. Update the Subject’s Details.                                                                                                                               
  6. Change Security Grading to a higher value (Confidential) than the current value (Restricted).
  7. Click on Yes button in the Confirmation window.
    • The Security Grading is changed successfully and the roles that do not match the new Security Grading are removed automatically.
  8. Click on Trusted Roles / Group Roles to view the Subject’s access
  9. Click on Edit to change the Access List
  10. Click on Permission such as Full Access to change the Access Rights
  11. Click on the Save button to save the changes.
  12. Click on the OK button to close the Success Message window.

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